CogSci 2021
Due to the ongoing global pandemic, the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society was held in a primarily virtual environment. However, in an exciting integration of some hybrid components in the conference, a live keynote and welcome from the University of Vienna was the introduction to CogSci 2021.
The meeting adhered to the traditional meeting structure of previous conferences with keynotes, award talks and invited panel presentations, including the Elman and Rumelhart Symposia, Glushko Award talks, Rumelhart keynote by Susan Goldin-Meadow, and the Heineken Award keynote by Robert Zatorre. In addition to the keynotes and award sessions, the meeting had individual talk presentations, contributed symposia sessions as well as poster presentations, complete with short videos. Talks were available as pre-recorded videos in advance of the conference and are available for up to two years post conference for registered delegates. Delegates and presenters participated in LIVE Q&A following all presentations to encourage discussion and future collaborations.

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2021 Conference Awards
Marr Prize
James Benjamin Falandays, University of California, Merced
The Emergence of Cultural Attractors: An Agent-Based Model of Collective Perceptual Alignment
Eeshan Hasan, Vanderbilt University
Improving Medical Image Decision Making by Leveraging Metacognitive Processes and Representational
Emily M. Heffernan, University of Toronto
Learning exceptions to the rule in human and model via hippocampal encoding
Claire Augusta Bergey, The University of Chicago
Learning communicative acts in children’s conversations: a Hidden Topic Markov Model analysis of the CHILDES corpus
Samuel J. Cheyette, University of California, Berkeley
The psychophysics of number arise from resource-limited spatial memory
Xuanyi Chen, Rice University
Challenges for using Representational Similarity Analysis to Infer Cognitive Processes: A Demonstration
Burcu Arslan, Koç University, Turkey
Grammatical Complexity and Gesture Production of Younger and Older Adults
Shaozhe Cheng, Zhejiang University, China
Intention beyond Desire: Humans Spontaneously Commit to Future Actions
Ropafadzo Denga, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Need for speed: Applying ex-Gaussian modeling techniques to examine intra-individual reaction time variability in expert Tetris players
Amir Hosein Hadian Rasanan, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran
Reflected Boundary Drift Diffusion Model: A Double Responding Framework for Go/No-Go Paradigm
Shobhit Jagga, Indian Institute of Technology, India
Modeling procrastination as rational metareasoning about task effort
João Loula, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Combining rules and simulation to explain infant physical learning
Sahil Luthra, University of Connecticut, USA
Lexically-Mediated Compensation for Coarticulation in Older Adults
Ezgi Mamus, MPI/Radboud University, Netherlands
Modality of input influences encoding of path and manner of motion in speech but not in co-speech gestures
Kerem Oktar, Princeton University, USA
Deciding to be Authentic: Intuition is Favored Over Deliberation for Self-Reflective Decisions
Verónica Ramenzoni, National Scientific and Technical Research Council, Argentina
Body Image During Quarantine; Generational Effects of Social Media Pressure on Body Appearance Perception
Diversity & Social Inequality Award
Martin Ho Kwan Ip & Anna Papafragou, University of Pennsylvania
Listeners evaluate native and non-native speakers differently (but not in the way you think)
Disciplinary Diversity & Integration Award in Cognitive Science
A longitudinal study of great ape cognition
Manuel Bohn; Johanna Eckert; Daniel Hanus; Daniel Benjamin Moritz Haun: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Categorical perception of p-values
V. N. Vimal Rao: University of Minnesota-Twin Cities; Jeffrey K. Bye: University of Minnesota; Sashank Varma: Georgia Tech
The evolution of rhythm from neurons to ecology
Organizer: Andrea Ravignani: Comparative Bioacoustics Group, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
The deep history of information technologies: A cognitive perspective
Organizer: Helena Miton: Santa Fe Institute
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