CSS Listservs

General Announcements listserv

A listserv for announcements relevant to the Cog Sci community. This listserv is open to anyone, and messages are moderated by the Society. Topics range from funding opportunities to announcements of new initiatives to job postings.

Visit http://lists.cognitivesciencesociety.org/listinfo.cgi/announcements-cognitivesciencesociety.org for instructions on how to join and post a message.

Cognitive Science Program Administrators listserv

A listserv for administrators of cognitive science programs (non-departmental or departmental).

Inspired by COGDOP (the US Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology), this listserv is aimed at facilitating inter-institutional communication and collaboration around a wide range of issues, including best practices in undergraduate curricula, navigating administrative complexities when a unit does not have departmental status, and increasing diversity in the field. Discussion of these issues will help the community identify approaches for strengthening academic programs in cognitive science.

If you have an administrative role in a cognitive science department, program, or any other academic training unit, please join the listserv! Visit https://cognitivesciencesociety.simplelists.com/ and select cognitivescienceprograms from the dropdown menu to subscribe. We look forward to you joining the discussion!

Cognitive Science Programs List Co-Organizers:
Simon Fischer-Baum, Rice University
Laura Getz, University of San Diego
Matt Goldrick, Northwestern University
Joe Toscano, Villanova University

society secretariat

Podium Conference & Association Specialists
#124-4730 University Way NE 104
Seattle, WA 98105
phone: 1-888-472-7644


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