FABBS Early Career Impact Award

Deadline approaching: September 25, 2022

FABBS is seeking nominations for the Early Career Impact Award. This award is presented to early career scientists of FABBS member societies (see FABBS membership) during the first 10 years post-PhD and recognizes scientists who have made major contributions to our sciences.

One of the 2022 awards will be given to an early career scientist in the Cognitive Science Society.

The purpose of this award is to recognize scientists who have made major research contributions to the sciences of mind, brain, and behavior. The goal is to enhance public visibility of these scientists and their  particular research through the dissemination efforts of FABBS in collaboration with the member societies and award winners. Nominations are encouraged for individuals who have made outstanding research contributions, especially those who have also increased awareness of science through outreach activities to the public (e.g., community talks, high school demos) or communication with the media (e.g., interviews, blogs).

The nomination process will proceed in two phases. In the first phase, member societies (e.g., the Cognitive Science Society) internally solicit nominations. The member society then reviews and selects their top candidate, and will submit this nomination to the FABBS. In the second phase, the FABBS Board will meet in December to review all candidates and select final awardees.

Application Process:

If you are interested in nominating a candidate (self-nominations are allowed), please complete the form on the FABBS website (leave the information about the society, statement about award dissemination, and additional comments sections blank) , save the PDF file, and then forward it along with the candidate’s CV to Cendrine De Vis.

Application Deadline:

Nominations must be received no later than September 25th, 2022.