Society Fellows

Fellows of the Cognitive Science Society are individuals whose research has exhibited sustained excellence and had sustained impact on the Cognitive Science community. A Fellow’s research is typically inter-disciplinary but may be disciplinary research with significant impact on Cognitive Science. Fellows often participate significantly in the Cognitive Science community but not necessarily. Fellows are recognized for their professional integrity. All other factors being equal, the Fellows election process attempts to balance diversity in gender, geographical region of the world, and intellectual area.


Open: August 1st – November 1st 2024

The nominations process takes place from August – November each calendar year.

The Cognitive Science Society invites nominations for Fellows of the Society. This honor recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to Cognitive Science.

Nominations are due by Wednesday, November 1st, 2024


The criteria for being a Fellow of the Society are as follows. Nominators should aim to address each in their letters of nomination.

(1) A Fellow’s research should exhibit sustained excellence.
(2) A Fellow’s research should exhibit sustained impact on the Cognitive Science community.
(3) Fellows are expected to uphold commonly held standards of professional ethics and scientific integrity.
(4) Ideally, a Fellow’s research should be inter-disciplinary, but disciplinary research having a sustained impact on Cognitive Science is appropriate.
(5) Ideally, a Fellow should be a member of Cognitive Science Society with regular participation in the community via publications, attendance, or mentorship.
(6) Current members of the Cognitive Science Society leadership cannot be nominated for Fellow status.

Other factors being equal, the Fellows election process attempts to balance diversity in gender, traditionally under-represented minorities, geographical region, and disciplinary expertise. Unusually high levels of service are not sufficient for becoming a Fellow.  Fellow status is intended to be a lifetime honor; CSS reserves the right to rescind in exceptional cases where commonly held standards of professional ethics and scientific integrity have been violated. New fellows will be invited to publish a paper on their research in topICS.

A list of current Fellows is available below.

Submitted nominations will remain active for one additional year beyond the original submission.

To nominate an individual, please submit the following:

  • A 1- 2-page description of why the candidate merits selection as a Fellow with respect to the above criteria.
  • A curriculum vitae for the candidate.
  • Pointers to a web site that provide information about the candidate, if available.

Nominations should be submitted via email to the Society by clicking below.

Selection Committee

Ercenur Ünal (Chair), Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Gerry Altmann, University of Connecticut
Josep Call, University of St. Andrews
Nick Chater, Warwick Business School
Morten Christiansen, Cornell University
Stella Christie, Tsinghua University
Roger Levy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Susan Gelman, University of Michigan
Roberta Golinkoff, University of Delaware



James Allen
Gerry Altmann
John R. Anderson
Richard Aslin
Rita Astuti
Scott Atran
Renée Baillargeon
Dana Ballard
Lawrence W. Barsalou
William Bechtel
Marlene Behrmann
Andrea Bender

Brent Berlin
Maurice Bloch
Ned Block
Kay Bock
Margaret Boden
Matthew Botvinick
Pascal Boyer
John Bransford
Susan Brennan
Joan Bresnan
Sarah Brown-Schmidt
Joan Bybee

Jerome Busemeyer
Josep Call
Alfonso Caramazza
Susan Carey
Nick Chater
Micheline Chi
Noam Chomsky
Morten Christiansen
Patricia Churchland
Eve Clark
Herbert Clark
Allan Collins

Bernard Comrie
Gary Cottrell
William Croft
Francesco d’Errico
Antonio Damasio
Stanislas Dehaene
Gary S. Dell
Daniel C. Dennett
Chris Eliasmit
Martha Farah
Fernanda Ferreira
Janet Fodor

Kenneth Forbus
Peter Gardenfors
Rochel Gelman
Susan Gelman
Dedre Gentner
Raymond Gibbs
Edward Gibson
Gerd Gigerenzer
Yolanda Gil
Ashok Goel
Susan Goldin-Meadow
Robert Goldstone

Roberta Golinkoff
Cleotilde Gonzalez
Alison Gopnik
Jonathan Gratch
Russell Gray
Wayne D. Gray
Peter Hagoort
Graeme Halford
Patrick J. Hayes
Cecelia Heyes
Geoffrey E. Hinton
Kathy Hirsh-Pasek

Douglas Hofstadter
Keith Holyoak
Janet Hsiao
James Hurford
Edwin Hutchins
Mutsumi Imai
Ray Jackendoff
Mark Johnson
Philip Johnson-Laird
Michael I. Jordan
Daniel Kahneman
Nancy Kanwisher

Ron Kaplan
Paul Kay
Walter Kintsch
Simon Kirby
Roberta Klatzky
Ken Koedinger
Stephen Kosslyn
Patricia Kuhl
Tamar Kushnir
Bill Labov
John Laird
George Lakoff

Barbara Landau
Ron Langacker
Patrick Langley
Diane Larsen-Freeman
Doug Lenat
Pim Levelt
Beth Levin
Stephen Levinson
Elena Lieven
HongJing Lu
Tanya Luhrmann
Maryellen MacDonald

Asifa Majid
Bertram F. Malle
Barbara Malt
Jean Mandler
Art Markman
Ellen Markman
William Marslen-Wilson
John J. McCarthy
Jay McClelland
Danielle McNamara
Ken McRae
Douglas L. Medin

Andrew Meltzoff
Michael Mozer
Greg Murphy
Nancy J. Nersessian
Nora Newcombe
Elissa Newport
Richard Nisbett
Donald A. Norman
Robert Nosofsky
Rafael Núñez
Barbara Hall Partee
Judea Pearl

Janet Pierrehumbert
Steven Pinker
Michael Posner
Molly Potter
Alan Prince
Lance Rips
Eleanor Rosch
Paul Rosenbloom
Mark S. Seidenberg
Terry Sejnowski
Patrick Shafto
Roger Shepard

Richard M. Shiffrin
Steven Sloman
Vladimir Sloutsky
Linda Smith
Paul Smolensky
Elizabeth Spelke
Daniel Sperber
Michael Spivey
Mark Steedman
Keith Stenning
Kim Sterelny
Len Talmy

Michael Tanenhaus
Josh Tenenbaum
Paul Thagard
Michael Tomasello
Barbara Tversky
Lorraine Tyler
Shimon Ullman
Kurt Van Lehn
Gabriella Vigliocco
Michael Waldmann
Sandra Waxman
Henry Wellman

Janet Werker
Andrew Whiten
Fei Xu
Chen Yu
Marco Zorzi


Roy D’Andrade
Gordon Bower
Anne Cutler
Jeffrey L. Elman
Jerry Fodor

Lila R. Gleitman
James Greeno
Gil Harman
Annette Karmiloff-Smith
Aravind Joshi

George Mandler
Jacques Mehler
George Miller
Marvin Minsky
Helen Neville

Zenon Pylyshyn
David Rumelhart
Ivan Sag
Edward E. Smith
Anne Treisman

Lifetime Members

The Cognitive Science Society recognizes the following individuals as Honorary Lifetime Members for outstanding, sustained contributions to the general advancement of cognitive science, and in particular, to the Cognitive Science Society.

Richard Atkinson

Rick Cooper

Susan Chipman

Lawrence Erlbaum


Kevin Gluck

Robert Glushko

Wayne Gray

Deborah Gruber


Art Markman

Susan Trickett

Jessica Wong

society secretariat

Podium Conference & Association Specialists
#124-4730 University Way NE 104
Seattle, WA 98105
phone: 1-888-472-7644


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