Welcome to latest members of the CSS Team

Marcelo Viridiano,
CogSci Content Production Manager

Marcelo Viridiano graduated from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil, with a bachelor’s degree in Arts and Design and is currently a Ph.D. student at the FrameNet Brasil Computational Linguistic Lab researching Multimodal Machine Translation. He has also been an active contributor to the scientific community, mentoring students at the Google Summer of Code and creating visual content for science communication and popularization in an academic environment for almost a decade.

Intan K. Wardhani,
Graduate Student Representative

Intan K. Wardhani obtained her master’s degree in Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Oslo, Norway. The degree of Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Bachelor of Psychological Science was conferred on her by two universities: University of Queensland, Australia, and University of Indonesia, Indonesia. While studying in Australia, Intan was awarded with a travel grant to study Ancient Greek and Roman history and anthropology at the University of Manchester in the UK. It was an incredible breeze of fresh view for her! She is currently pursuing a PhD in Cognitive Psychology at Ghent University, Belgium. Her doctoral projects include investigating the effects of monetary incentives on motivation. During her spare time, she likes to cruise on a skateboard, do a lot of DIY activities, and experiment in the kitchen.

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