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Celebrating Journal Editors Wayne Gray and Rick Cooper

By Caroline Verdier, Managing Editor of Cognitive Science   I’ve been working with two extraordinary people for the past—well, who’s counting the years?  Wayne Gray and Rick Cooper will soon step down as the executive editors of their respective journals, Topics...

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A Cognitive Profile of COVID-19 Conspiracists

A Cognitive Profile of COVID-19 Conspiracists

By Valerie van Mulukom Introduction Unexpected and often unpleasant events are the name of the game this year, 2020. From a cluster of pneumonia cases to a full-blown coronavirus pandemic, killer hornets, and a bitterly fought USA general election, to name a few....

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A Love Letter to Lab Meeting

A Love Letter to Lab Meeting

By Lilia Rissman Sketch by Natalia Vélez You were always there in the background - two lockers down, two rows back in band practice. But walking the hallways of school these past months, I find myself looking at you in a new way. I’ll never know how it happened —...

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