Remembering Gordon Bower

Remembering Gordon Bower

This summer, Gordon Bower, a leader in the field of cognitive science, passed away at age 87. He was well-known as a brilliant researcher and generous mentor. His colleagues and former mentees recently shared some of their memories and appreciations with us....
This week! Preparing for CogSci 2020

This week! Preparing for CogSci 2020

CogSci will be different this year. Then again, nearly everything is different this year. Although the community and our members have experienced wide-ranging challenges since our 2019 conference, we’re grateful to have the opportunity to convene virtually. We...
Categorization is Cognition

Categorization is Cognition

By Gwen Price The word “categorization” might lead you to think of an aspect of cognition that is studied by a small subset of perception or language researchers. However, it is much more than that, and it is fundamental to understanding cognition as a whole....

Paradigm Shifts in Cognitive Science

By Minseok Kang Before cognitive science People were curious about how the mind works even before cognitive science started as a discipline. As with all other disciplines, philosophers were the first to have asked how the body and mind are related to each other, and...