Remembering Jacques Mehler

Remembering Jacques Mehler

The field of cognitive science recently lost someone who has contributed greatly not only to cognitive science research, but also to the community. Others have written about his many contributions to the field, so we decided to feature reflections from people who have...

A Common Framework for Cognitive Science

By Alec Rogers Is there a common framework within cognitive science, and if so, what is it? Perhaps the lack of a shared model creates the lack of cohesion described in a recent article by Rafael Núñez: [Cognitive] science, explicitly named in the singular, was meant...
Reflections from my first year on the tenure track

Reflections from my first year on the tenure track

Post by Katharine Tillman I got a tenure-track job two years ago, right out of grad school.  If you just checked my CV and you’re annoyed that I’m not a superstar, I don’t blame you. I worked hard, but I was lucky. Many stars needed to align in my favor. Here are some...
Josh Tenenbaum Receives MacArthur Award

Josh Tenenbaum Receives MacArthur Award

Featured image by Natalia Vélez Every year, the MacArthur Foundation awards “Genius Grants” to “talented individuals who have shown extraordinary originality and dedication in their creative pursuits and a marked capacity for self-direction.” This year, cognitive...