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Welcome address from the incoming Executive Editor of Topics in Cognitive Science (topiCS)
A scientific marketplace Imagine you have invited a friend to a home-made dinner and are out shopping for food. Presumably, you would go to a grocery store or, if within reach, a farmers’ market, where you know you can get what you need in good quality and sufficient...
Celebrating Journal Editors Wayne Gray and Rick Cooper
By Caroline Verdier, Managing Editor of Cognitive Science I’ve been working with two extraordinary people for the past—well, who’s counting the years? Wayne Gray and Rick Cooper will soon step down as the executive editors of their respective journals, Topics...
Seven Lessons about Prejudice from Social Neuroscience
By Ava Ma de Sousa This post was originally published on Cogbites. Figure 1. Image created with Canva. Reference: Amodio, D., & Cikara, M. (2020). The social neuroscience of prejudice. In press at Annual Review of Psychology. Is racism rooted in the brain?...
Thank you to our outgoing Executive Journal Editors
Some Parting Words Richard P. CooperExecutive Editor (2015 – 2020)Cognitive Science It has been a great honour and privilege to serve as Executive Editor of Cognitive Science for the past six years. During that time the journal has, I believe, maintained its identity...
COVID-19 racial health disparities: The roles of discrimination and stress
By Keri Carvalho Ask any researcher who studies racial health disparities, and they will tell you that even before COVID-19, we were already in a public health crisis. Black Americans were already disproportionately affected by chronic health conditions,...
Prominent cognitive scientist Christian Freksa has passed away
Dear Cognitive Science Colleagues, I am very sad to report that Christian Freksa has passed away. Christian was the Chair of Cognitive Systems in the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at University of Bremen in Germany...
A Cognitive Profile of COVID-19 Conspiracists
By Valerie van Mulukom Introduction Unexpected and often unpleasant events are the name of the game this year, 2020. From a cluster of pneumonia cases to a full-blown coronavirus pandemic, killer hornets, and a bitterly fought USA general election, to name a few....
Building a culture of mental wellness in academia: Reflections from 2020
By Melissa Troyer Sketch by Natalia Vélez 2020 is a year of the (perhaps shouldn’t-have-been-so-) unexpected. The Big Topics are on the table. A global pandemic; civil unrest; a call to action against white supremacy and the structural racism built into the...
A Love Letter to Lab Meeting
By Lilia Rissman Sketch by Natalia Vélez You were always there in the background - two lockers down, two rows back in band practice. But walking the hallways of school these past months, I find myself looking at you in a new way. I’ll never know how it happened —...
Flexibility in Neural Network Models
By Andrew Lampinen Banner image sketch by Natalia Vélez. The flexibility of human cognition is remarkable. We can perform a new task (for example, playing a new videogame) decently after a few minutes of experience. We can then adapt our knowledge to new...