Cogsci 2019
The 41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society was held in Montreal, Canada at the Palais des Congrès de Montréal on Wednesday July 24th – Saturday July 27th, 2019 (Wednesday, July 24th is the Tutorials and Workshops day).
The conference highlighted research on the theme, Creativity + Cognition + Computation, in addition to the full breadth and diversity of research topics offered by the society’s membership.

2019 Committees
Awards Committee
Chair: Prof. Andrea Patalano, Wesleyan University, USA
Prof. Steve Sloman, Brown University, USA
Prof. Wendy Newstetter, Georgia Tech, USA
Prof. Michael Mozer, Univ. of Colorado, USA
Communications Committee
Chair: Prof. Rick Dale, Univ. of California – Los Angeles, USA
Co-Chair: Rui Meng, Univ. of Wisconsin, USA
Graduate Organizers Committee
Chair: Matthew Setzler, Indiana University, USA
Co-Chair: Peter Felsman, Univ. of Michigan, USA
Local CogSci Community Committee
Chair: Prof. Isabelle Soulieres, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Member Abstracts Committee
Chair: Prof. Maithilee Kunda, Vanderbilt University, USA
Co-Chair: Dr. Ana-Maria Olteteanu, Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany
Member Publication-Based Talks committee
Chair: Prof. Jim Davies, Carleton University, Canada
Co-Chair: Prof. Evangelia Chrysikou, Drexel University, USA
Program Committee
Prof. Ashok Goel, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. Colleen Seifert, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
Prof. Christian Freksa, University of Bremen, Germany
Symposia Committee
Chair: Prof. Nora Newcombe, Temple University, USA
Co-Chair: Prof. Garrison Cottrell, Univ. of California – San Diego, USA
Tutorials and Workshops Committee
Dr. Thomas Barkowsky, University of Bremen, Germany
Prof. Travis Seymour, Univ. of California – Santa Cruz, USA
Prof. Elizabeth Bonawitz, Rutgers University – Newark, USA
Dr. Swaroop Vattam, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, USA
Sponsorship Committee
Chair: Prof. Keith McGreggor, GaTech, USA
2019 Conference Awards
Rumelhart Prize
The recipient of the twentieth David E. Rumelhart Prize is Stanislas Dehaene. Please click here for more information
Glushko Prize
Kirsten Adam – 2018 PhD thesis “Characterizing the limits of visual working memory,” from University of Chicago, précis
Max Kleiman-Weiner – 2018 PhD thesis “Computational foundations of human social intelligence,” from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, précis
Martin Maier – 2018 PhD thesis “Language, meaning, and visual perception: Event-related potentials reveal top-down influences on early visual processing,” from Humboldt University, précis
Jean-Paul Noel – 2018 PhD thesis “Leveraging multisensory neurons, circuits, brains, and bodies to study consciousness: From the outside-in and the inside-out,” from Vanderbilt University, précis
Katharine Tillman – 2017 PhD thesis “Constructing the concept of time: Roles of language, perception, and culture,” from University of California, San Diego, précis
Marr Prize
Jose M. Ceballos, University of Washington
The Role of Basal Ganglia Reinforcement Learning in Lexical Priming and Automatic Semantic Ambiguity Resolution
Nicolas Oliver Riesterer, Universität Freiburg
Modeling Human Syllogistic Reasoning: The Role of “No Valid Conclusion”
Douglas Guilbeault, University of Pennsylvania
The Social Network Dynamics of Category Formation
Ardavan S. Nobandegani, McGill University
A Resource-Rational Process-Level Account of the St. Petersburg Paradox
Benjamin Peloquin, Stanford University
The Interactions of Rational, Pragmatic Agents Lead to Efficient Language Structure and Use
Yunyan Duan, Northwestern University
A Rational Model of Word Skipping in Reading: Ideal Integration of Visual and Linguistic Information
Megumi Sano, Stanford University
Graphical Convention Formation During Visual Communication
Jose M. Ceballos, University of Washington Seattle
The Role of Basal Ganglia Reinforcement Learning in Lexical Priming and Automatic Semantic Ambiguity Resolution
Tania Delgado, University of California San Diego
Differences in Learnability of Pantomime Versus Artificial Sign: Iconicity, Cultural Evolution, and Linguistic Structure
Nianyu Li, Peking University
A Conceptual Model of Self-Adaptive Systems Based on Attribution Theory
Che Lucero, Cornell University
Unconscious Number Discrimination in the Human Visual System
Mukesh B. Makwana, Centre of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences, Mumbai
Hands in Mind: Learning to Write with Both Hands Improves Inhibitory Control, but Not Attention
Guilherme Sanches de Oliveira, University of Cincinnati
Bee-ing In the World: Phenomenology, Cognitive Science, and Interactivity in a Novel Insect-Tracking Task
Staci Meredith Weiss, Temple University
Individual Differences in Bodily Attention: Variability in Anticipatory Mu Rhythm Power Is Associated with Executive Function Abilities and Processing Speed
Student Travel Grants
Nicolas Collignon, University of Edinburgh
Douglas Guilbeault, University of Pennsylvania
Ethan Hurwitz, University of California, San Diego
Akila Kadambi, University of California, Los Angeles
Kei Kashiwadate, Tokyo Denki University
Lara Kirfel, University College London
Sang Ho Lee, Ohio State University
Ashley Leung, University of Chicago
Mahi Luthra, Indiana University
Olivia Miske, Arizona State University
Sebastian Musslick, Princeton University
Benjamin Peloquin, Stanford University
Nicolas Riesterer, University of Freiburg
Harrison Ritz, Brown University
Jennifer Sloane, University of New South Wales
Leila Straub, ETH Zurich
Karina Tachihara, Princeton University
Charley Wu, Max Planck Institute for Human Development
Yueyuan Zheng, University of Hong Kong
Sponsors and Exhibitors